Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Out of Stock?

  A: Items marked out of stock are growing fast and should be ready to sell soon. We are updating quantities daily.  Please check back!


Q: Can I pick-up my order at the farm now?

  A: No, sorry. We are busy farming during the week to ensure we have the plants and produce you need.  You will receive an email Friday morning with pick-up details and a reminder the day of.  Orders placed before Friday will be available for Saturday pickup.


Q:  Can I pick-up my order in STL?

 A:  Yes! We offer pick-up at our booth at the U. City Market in the Delmar Loop Saturday mornings 8:30 - 12:30. (*Once Markets Start*)


Q:  Where is the farm?

  A:  Taking Pin Oak road East, the farm entrance is half way up the hill on the left.  Check out our Locations page for more details.


Q: I missed my pickup date.  What do I do?

  A: Please email us at if you are/were unable to pick-up.  If you ordered plants or soil we can bring back items next Saturday.  Unfortunately, if the items were produce they will not hold an entire week.  If this is the case we can credit you towards your next order or offer refund.