What is Organic Produce Anyways and Why Should I Buy It?

Posted by Allison Biver on

Have you ever wondered what organic produce actually is and if it is worth buying? We are here to explain what organic means, what methods we use, and reasons you should choose organic in simple, easy to understand terms.

What does Organic mean? 

The USDA’s Standards for organic growing include the following: no prohibited substances may be used on the land for 3 years prior to growing, operations must use organic seed when available, the use of genetic engineering, ionizing radiation, and sewage sludge (ewww, gross right?!) is prohibited, soil fertility must be managed using a variety of natural practices, and pest, weed, and disease control must be done using a variety of natural practices.

Our Organic Methods

Biver Farms has been organic for over 25 years and USDA Certified Organic since 1997. On the farm, we strive to employ the best practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for the environment and the best produce for our community. We use no synthetic fertilizers, only natural ones such as manure and compost. 

All of our seeds are non-GMO and either certified organic or untreated. 

For pest control, our preferred method is to use other beneficial bugs such as ladybugs, green lacewings, parasitic wasps, and praying mantis. For more stubborn pests in our fields, we use a USDA organic approved bacterium called BT or Bacillus Thuringiensis. 

BT works by causing the digestive tracts of insects to not function properly, resulting in the pest's death. BT is harmless to birds, fish, and mammals (including humans!) whose acidic stomachs negate the bacteria. BT also has a very short half-life in the elements meaning that it does not stay on your produce. For more information on BT, check out this article by Planet Natural.

Reasons You Should Choose Organic

As shown by the information above, there are many reasons why someone would choose to buy organic produce rather than conventional, but here are a few additional reasons. 

  1. Better for the Environment: Organic Farming avoids synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides are very harsh on the environment including but not limited to its soil, water, amphibians, and pollinators.

  1. Healthier: A study published by Cambridge University Press shows that organic produce contains more antioxidants, macronutrients, and minerals than non organic produce. At the same time, organic produce contains less toxic metals, nitrates, and pesticides than non organic produce.


There are various reasons why someone may choose to buy organic. For some, concern for the environment is their main motivator, for others health may top their list. If you don’t eat organic produce already, what do you think? Are you going to make the switch?